Pay it FWD: Ashwin Ramasamy can’t switch off
Only a few can match his intensity and focus. And it is these standards that have helped him redefine himself as a founder. One of the reasons Ashwin is adored across our community is how he discovered true value in SGX.
Pay it FWD: The quiet leadership of Aastha Sharma
Some leaders often grab the oxygen from a room, but not her. In her leadership qualities, I saw someone who could shrink the room when she spoke and grow it when others did.
Pay it FWD: The metamorphosis of Sachin Bhatia
SGX is on its sixth edition and Sachin has laid most of the groundwork for it. However, Sachin’s involvement has grown larger than SGX within SaaSBoomi. Here’s the story of his metamorphosis.
Pay it FWD: Dheeraj Pandey has gone fishing
There are those that will give you advice and then there are some who will guide you and build out an answer with you. Dheeraj Pandey is the latter and it’s this spirit of generosity that sets him apart.
Pay it FWD: S Aravind the heart behind the numbers
There is comfort in sitting next to someone in silence. And sometimes in this silence a bond is established, effortlessly. Here’s how S Aravind behind the numbers at SaaSBoomi and I bonded.
Pay it FWD: Manav Garg the visionary thinker
John Maxwell once said, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” Manav Garg is that leader. I am proud to have him as a companion and friend for the past 10 years.
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The life of a Founder – always on, always pushing, always “amping it up.” Abhinav Shashank shares hard-won lessons on why this isn’t the best way to build your company.
Pay It FWD: Sandeep Todi the empathetic problem solver
Many people claim to be empathetic but few know how to use empathy in life to pay it forward. And then there’s Sandeep Todi who has an unrivalled strength at being an empathetic problem solver.
Pay It FWD: The Lee Fixel phone call that changed SaaSBoomi
Lee Fixel’s contribution spans more than just the sizeable cheque he handed us to help grow the community. His selfless action is the essence of the pay-it-forward mindset we champion.