Malavika Velayanikal

Director: Initiatives & Events, SaaSBoomi

By Malavika Velayanikal

Blog Product

This is electricity. There was a before and there’s an after.

After the spurt in cloud-driven SaaS from 2015, the software industry is undergoing another seismic shift with the capabilities of Generative AI (GenAI), fueled by billions of dollars invested in creating Large Language Models (LLMs). While companies like OpenAI building the infrastructure layer made AI the buzz this year, vast opportunities for innovators of all […]

Malavika Velayanikal
Blog Finance

India SaaS hangs tough amidst shocks in global markets

Macroeconomic shocks have roiled the business environment for SaaS over the past couple of years. Uncertainties altered customer demands and priorities, while fears of recession impacted the investment outlook. SaaS companies all over the world got caught up in this pincer movement. Amidst this turbulence, the Indian SaaS ecosystem has proved even more resilient than […]

Malavika Velayanikal